Tag: purpose

  • 20. Not Everyone is a World Changer

    20. Not Everyone is a World Changer

    Over the last 20 years I have heard a number of well meaning phrases that parents tell their kids, that unknowingly sets them up to fail. In my early years of ministry I had parents or leaders pull a student aside and tell them how mature they were. Many times, the student was mature for…

  • 19. Make the Main Thing the Main Thing

    19. Make the Main Thing the Main Thing

    When I started in youth ministry, my top priority was to make sure that people felt loved and cared for and that church was a safe place for all people. When I interviewed at churches and then when I cast vision at new ministries, I would be intentional in creating a safe place where people…

  • 18. Collaboration is Key to Success

    18. Collaboration is Key to Success

    Shortly after beginning my job in Kentucky, one of the pastors on my staff encouraged me to take a handful of my staff to visit a church in South Carolina that we were modeling ourselves after. We were a decent sized church that was just figuring ourselves out and the church in South Carolina was…

  • 16. Leadership is Hard

    16. Leadership is Hard

    Leadership is hard. This is one of those phrases that I really didn’t understand until I lived it. Growing up, I thought leadership was fun, exciting, and fueling. I assumed that leading was mainly helping and equipping people to understand who they were made to be and how their gifts could be used to accomplish…

  • 14. You Can Never Make Everyone Happy

    14. You Can Never Make Everyone Happy

    I started in ministry as a people pleaser. I thought that my responsibility as a pastor was to make everyone happy and if I did that, they would have a strong relationship with God. One of my top goals in my early years of ministry was to do whatever it took to make peace and…