Tag: Ministry

  • 5. Ministries Need to Be Led Not Controlled

    5. Ministries Need to Be Led Not Controlled

    I remember one Saturday morning in a season where it was the first day in at least a month that I was off. My phone started ringing at 7:30 am and after a quick internal argument, I didn’t answer it and turned the phone off. The next day my boss pulled me aside before church…

  • 25 Things That I Learned the First 25 Years of Ministry

    25 Things That I Learned the First 25 Years of Ministry

    June 1, 1995. I walked into my first official office. It had a 6ft white table as a desk, a metal filing cabinet in the corner, a small bookshelf that, if you didn’t lean it up in the corner, it would collapse on itself, and a well used computer that took 10 minutes to turn…