Tag: 25 Years

  • 9. Celebrate the Wins

    9. Celebrate the Wins

    Growing up, I lived in a family and community where if your team won, people would tell you that you could have played better. If you scored 20 points in the game, you should have scored 22 points. If you got straight A’s, you should have tried harder and got all 100%. If you accomplished…

  • 8. Forgive Before It Breaks You

    8. Forgive Before It Breaks You

    I remember the first time I felt betrayed in ministry. I had just started at my first church and I was young, inexperienced, naïve, and full of believing the best in people. I thought working in a church would be the best place ever because everyone would get along, everyone would agree, and it would…

  • 7. The Best Gifts Come Unexpectedly

    7. The Best Gifts Come Unexpectedly

    I love students and their creativity and uniqueness. Ok, maybe I don’t always love it when some of the student’s creativity comes out in the middle of a very intentional program or at camp during the exact moment that the one kid who never says anything serious asks you if he could sit down and…

  • 6. Know What God Has Called You to Do

    6. Know What God Has Called You to Do

    Eighteen years into ministry, I had a sudden interruption in my ministry career. The church I had poured into with my family for 5.5 years had to lay me off due to the financial crisis caused by an affair from people in the church leadership. I was in the middle of one of the most…

  • 5. Ministries Need to Be Led Not Controlled

    5. Ministries Need to Be Led Not Controlled

    I remember one Saturday morning in a season where it was the first day in at least a month that I was off. My phone started ringing at 7:30 am and after a quick internal argument, I didn’t answer it and turned the phone off. The next day my boss pulled me aside before church…