Category: Keys to Thriving in 2022 through 2 Timothy

  • Key 5 – Pay it Forward

    Key 5 – Pay it Forward

    Something that was encouraging during the early days of COVID was the generosity and creativity of people. If someone needed something, there were people that were willing to help out. One of the things we did for our volunteers and close connections on the youth staff was to ask if they needed anything and if…

  • Key 4 – Active Kindness

    Key 4 – Active Kindness

    If you asked people in our culture if they were kind people, most would probably answer in the affirmative. Many of us believe our default is that we are kind, considerate people that are helpful and positive. When the pandemic began, many of us expressed kindness in new ways from leaving dog treats on our…

  • Key 3 – Guard the Truth

    Key 3 – Guard the Truth

    I remember growing up my parents would watch the news at 10:00 to get all of the information that happened that day. They would listen to find out what had happened in the world that day and they would take what was said to be true. I remember growing up learning that I should trust…

  • Key 2 – Know Whom You Trust

    Key 2 – Know Whom You Trust

    12 That is why I am suffering here in prison. But I am not ashamed of it, for I know the one in whom I trust, and I am sure that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until the day of his return. In March 2000 in a matter of days…

  • Key 1 – Invest In What Matters

    Key 1 – Invest In What Matters

    Over the past 2 -3 years many people have lived a life that they never thought they would live. From living a normal life to living quarantined in our homes. From community to isolation. From being unified with people to unexpected arguments among friends over politics, vaccines, gender identity, Supreme Court rulings, and causes of…