Category: Keys to Thriving in 2022 through 2 Timothy

  • Key 12 – Be Bold and Confident in Sharing about Jesus

    Key 12 – Be Bold and Confident in Sharing about Jesus

    I have had a great life. I have had the privilege to visit many incredible locations and experience a multitude of different experiences. I have resources where I can live comfortable and without needing anything. I am in a season of life where I have had time to reflect as to what I would like…

  • Key 11 Build Your Future on The Truth

    Key 11   Build Your Future on The Truth

    During my freshman, sophomore and junior years I had a great group of friends that I did life with. They became people that I was being shaped by and with. My life was going great, school was easy, social life was solid, and everything seemed like it was going well. And then in my senior…

  • Key 10 Be Careful of the Subtle Temptation

    Key 10  Be Careful of the Subtle Temptation

    Have you heard the story about if you put a frog in a pot of tepid water and slowly heat up the water that the frog will not be aware that the water is getting to dangerous levels, thus it will not jump out and boil to death. This story has been used by many…

  • Key 9 – Put Yourself in A Usable Position

    Key 9 – Put Yourself in A Usable Position

    For many of us to thrive means to make an impact. We want to make a difference, to leave our mark, to make the world a better place. Many of us have dreams of spearheading a movement that changes the world. But most of us spend our time dreaming and hoping for the opportunity and…

  • Key 7 – Keep the Main Thing, the Main Thing

    Key 7 – Keep the Main Thing, the Main Thing

    Recently I was traveling and had the gift of sitting in the emergency exit row of an airplane. After everyone got on, the stewardess came to the people sitting in the exit row and started talking. There was one person who kept their ear buds in and didn’t look up. The stewardess stopped three times,…