Category: 25 Years

  • 5. Ministries Need to Be Led Not Controlled

    5. Ministries Need to Be Led Not Controlled

    I remember one Saturday morning in a season where it was the first day in at least a month that I was off. My phone started ringing at 7:30 am and after a quick internal argument, I didn’t answer it and turned the phone off. The next day my boss pulled me aside before church…

  • 4. Sometimes It Doesn’t Make Sense

    4. Sometimes It Doesn’t Make Sense

    We are all shaped by our experiences and perspectives. Many times in my life I have used my experiences to evaluate whether I think something will work in ministry. Sometimes that is wise, and sometimes that is me being narrow minded. I remember starting my time as a youth director at a church in Michigan…

  • 3. Hurt People, Hurt People

    3. Hurt People, Hurt People

    One day, a parent emailed asking if they could come in with their spouse to talk about concerns that they had with their student. We set up a meeting and as they came walking into my office I quickly realized this conversation would have very little to do with their student. Before they even sat…

  • 2. Relationships Matter

    2. Relationships Matter

    One night about 11:00 PM, I got a call that no one wants to get. My senior pastor was on the phone, and he told me that a 16 year old in our church had hit some black ice, had spun out of control, and was hit by an oncoming truck and was killed instantly.…

  • 1. It’s Not About Me

    1. It’s Not About Me

    The first youth group that I led was on a Sunday night. I hadn’t slept for a couple of days because I was so excited. I got to the church 3 hours early to make sure everything was set perfectly. This was going to be amazing. At 10 minutes after group was supposed to start…