Category: 25 Years

  • 20. Not Everyone is a World Changer

    20. Not Everyone is a World Changer

    Over the last 20 years I have heard a number of well meaning phrases that parents tell their kids, that unknowingly sets them up to fail. In my early years of ministry I had parents or leaders pull a student aside and tell them how mature they were. Many times, the student was mature for…

  • 19. Make the Main Thing the Main Thing

    19. Make the Main Thing the Main Thing

    When I started in youth ministry, my top priority was to make sure that people felt loved and cared for and that church was a safe place for all people. When I interviewed at churches and then when I cast vision at new ministries, I would be intentional in creating a safe place where people…

  • 18. Collaboration is Key to Success

    18. Collaboration is Key to Success

    Shortly after beginning my job in Kentucky, one of the pastors on my staff encouraged me to take a handful of my staff to visit a church in South Carolina that we were modeling ourselves after. We were a decent sized church that was just figuring ourselves out and the church in South Carolina was…

  • 17. Cancer of Conflict

    17. Cancer of Conflict

    One of the most influential people in my life was my grandma. She was always there for me growing up. She always had an ice0cold Mountain Dew in her refrigerator for me and constantly knew what snack I liked. She would listen to me when I was frustrated. She would create a safe atmosphere no…

  • 16. Leadership is Hard

    16. Leadership is Hard

    Leadership is hard. This is one of those phrases that I really didn’t understand until I lived it. Growing up, I thought leadership was fun, exciting, and fueling. I assumed that leading was mainly helping and equipping people to understand who they were made to be and how their gifts could be used to accomplish…