Category: 2021 A New Beginning

  • Key 6 – Acquire an Accurate Perspective

    Key 6 – Acquire an Accurate Perspective

    Recently I started to ride my bicycle again. I remember, 10 years ago, when I would ride my bike close to 1000 miles a summer. Biking was fun, fueling, and something I did that brought joy to my life. I was excited to get back to biking and I thought it would be a great…

  • 2021 A New Beginning

    2021 A New Beginning

    Many of us are entering 2021 celebrating that 2020 is over. Much of the anticipation for 2021 is based on our disapproval, frustration and distaste for what happened in 2020. Many people find themselves not looking forward to anything specific in 2021, but instead believing, hoping that 2021 will be better than 2020. Our culture…