Our family has had a rough couple of years. We have had some major transitions — moving across the country, making new friends, living in three different homes, attending three different schools, losing 2 home churches — and through all of them we have realized that you need to enjoy the moment you are in. Your circumstance might be difficult, and leave you with an uncertain future, but in the midst of chaos you don’t want to miss the opportunity.
Our family has learned to enjoy the moment. We don’t know what state we will be leaving at the end of this year. My kids don’t know where they will go to school next year. We don’t know what house or apartment we will be living in by next fall. We are not positive on how relationships, finances, or security will look like in the coming months. But we have learned to enjoy the moment. At least 5 times a week we play a family game. We enjoy eating oranges off of the tree in our backyard. We love driving into the middle of nowhere Arizona and taking pictures and experiencing the beauty of creation. We force ourselves to stop, life our heads up and enjoy the moment.
Wherever you are at, I encourage you to enjoy the moment. Enjoy the people in your life. Take time to experience what is happening around you. Go on an adventure. Instead of the circumstance you are in, drive you away from people, force yourself to invest into people. As you enjoy the moments around you, you will find yourself gaining momentum in all areas of your life.
Even though we don’t what the short term or long term future holds, we, as a family, have decided to enjoy the moment. Hope you can join us in that experience.