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  • What Happens in Vegas Should Not Stay In Vegas

    What Happens in Vegas Should Not Stay In Vegas

    In the years before I moved to Las Vegas, every time that I heard the phrase, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”, I would laugh it off as a just another phrase people use to not take responsibility for their own choices. I never intended to visit Vegas, let alone live in Vegas, mostly…

  • Curiosity Unlocks Impact

    Curiosity Unlocks Impact

    We all have boxes that we put people in. We meet someone and within seconds we have made a judgment on who they are and we begin to put them in boxes.  Age, race, gender, clothes, haircut, education, language — all of those influence our categorizing people. Most of the time we do these things…

  • People are People

    People are People

    When we told people we were moving to Las Vegas, we routinely received the response, “Well people in Las Vegas really need Jesus.”  Many times there was an underlying insinuation that people in Las Vegas were different, were maybe more sinful. We had never thought about people’s biases and how they would affect how they…